March 22, 2018

It’s all too easy to rack up debt – credit cards, HECS, car loans – and may seem all too hard to pay it off. Debt can also have a big impact on how much money you can borrow for a home loan, so reducing your debt is essential when you set out to buy your first home. Here are seven steps you can take towards minimising your debt and moving into the property market. 1. Work out how much you’re spending Create a spreadsheet and track your expenses for a month – record everything so you can see where your money is going. You may be spending much more than you think on some things – more than you can really afford 2. Decide
Savvy borrowers have an endgame in sight before they even apply for a home loan, and with the right mortgage offset account, they could win that game even more quickly. Home buyers usually focus on the here and now, not the distant future. Rather than the size of their loan balance in 10 or 20 years, they are more likely to think about how much they can borrow and the kind of house they can afford. But smart borrowers know the future matters. The years roll around and it’s always better to pay off a mortgage before its term and pay less interest to the bank. The good news is that if a mortgage offset account is right for a borrower, it can help

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